Affordable Airport Parking

“Affordable” in airport parking lingo

So what constitutes “affordable?” It obviously depends on income levels and perceptions. About $10 per day is considered affordable to many people. Affordability is one of the great perks of Executive Travel & Parking. Onsite airport valet parking at BNA in Nashville is $24 per day and onsite long-term parking is $16 per day, much more than the $10.50 per day valet parking available through Executive Travel & Parking.

Airport Parking Discounts

Discount airport parking is all the rage and there are lots and lots of online deals available — everything from Groupon rates to AAA rates to online coupons and special deals. In fact, airports earn a good percentage of their annual revenue from onsite parking. In Nashville, 34 percent of the airport’s fiscal 2013 operating revenues came from parking. Throughout the major cities and at all large airports, deals are offered reducing the cost of onsite parking. Yet, more of the best deals and most affordable rates are generally with offsite, otherwise known as off-airport parking.

Comparison shopping for affordable airport parking

To compare and contrast prices, deals and discounts, it’s helpful to go to comparison websites such as or

Despite public perception, offsite parking is not expensive and tedious. Quite the opposite …  offsite parking offers excellent shuttle service, security and convenience. Stories about the hassles of onsite airport parking, such as at Independent Traveler will be enough to convince you to look at offsite parking. And since there’s a good chance offsite doesn’t determine price based on day of the week or time of the year, these rates end up saving you money.

Affordable airport parking through Executive Travel & Parking

Executive Travel & Parking offers Frequent Parkers Discounts in which you earn a free day of airport parking with every week of paid parking at Nashville BNA. If you refer a fellow traveller, you get a bonus in the form of a $100 gift card at a local retailer your choice as soon as the new referral accumulates 25 days of paid parking within the first six months of the first visit. Visit our website for additional coupons and specials. Give us a call at 615-523-5100 to learn more about our top quality offsite airport parking close to Nashville’s BNA.