Earn a $100 gift certificate for every new frequent traveler you refer to Executive Travel & Parking. Here’s how it works. Refer yourself, a friend or co-worker who has never before parked at ET&P. Register that referral by clicking below and submitting your name and address as well as the name, address and company of the frequent traveler you are referring. You will earn a $100 gift certificate from a local retailer of your choice (Target, Kroger, Home Depot, Starbucks, etc) at such time that your frequent travel accumulates 25 paid parking days at Executive Travel & Parking.
We will pay this Referral Bonus for every new Frequent Traveler you refer. The more the merrier! We have over 100 new parking spaces to fill, and we look forward to helping you for helping us! To qualify for this Referral Bonus, the new frequent traveler you refer must accumulate the 25 parking days within 6 months of the date they are referred.
To qualify for the bonus, the referral must be submitted before the frequent traveler checks in for their first visit. If a frequent traveler is referred by more than one person, only the first referral will qualify for the bonus.
Thank you for making the referral(s) below. We will begin tracking the parking visits for your referral(s), and will gladly send a $100 gift card(s) from the local retailer of your choice for any referral(s) that accumulates 25 parking days within 6 months of their first visit. Thanks again!